How To Unpublish WordPress Site / Posts / Pages Easily

If you accidentally published something on your WordPress site or changed your mind about the whole project, you need to know fast how to unpublish a WordPress site or single posts or pages. Don’t hurry, the process is easy, which I’ll explain for you step-by-step and easy to follow along.

But fist things first, you need to know what you want to do before we can get started. Just click on the links to jump to the sections:

Unpublish individual posts or pages in WordPress

Please keep in mind that search engines won’t like it when you unpublish a site which has already been indexed, because the users will experience a 404 error message or see a ‘not found’ page. Editing the page or deleting the details you no longer want to see, would be a much better way.

However, if you want to unpublish WordPress posts or pages, you just need to be logged in to your WordPress dashboard, open the editor of the and follow the steps:

Gutenberg Editor

If you are using the block based Gutenberg editor, you’ll find a link which will switch back to draft in the top right corner:

Unpublish WordPress Post switch back to draft mode Gutenberg editor

Classic Editor

Inside the old, classic editor, look for the Publish Box and switch back to draft mode. Don’t forget to click on the Update Button afterwards.

This will hide the post entirely on your website, including logged in blog Editors and Administrators. Also, it will delete the direct url, so it’s no longer available to the public.

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Hide Post instead of revert to draft mode

You could also set the visibility to private. This will only hide the post from no logged in blog Editors and Administrators. Private pages are not visible in feeds or in any search.

Just look for the Privacy Settings box in the top right corner of the Gutenberg editor and follow the steps below:

Hide WordPress Post Set Visibility Private Step 1
Hide WordPress Post Set Visibility Private Step 2

You could also enable password protection for this particular post if that fits your needs. This will hide the post from users who don’t know the password.

Unpublish multiple WordPress posts or pages by using Bulk Actions

If you have a bunch of posts or pages you need to hide from your frontend, you could also click on the quick edit link in the post overview page or use the bulk actions to change the state of multiple entries at the same time:

Unpublish a whole WordPress website (Self-Hosted)

Instead of individually unpublish WordPress pages, you could just also hide your whole website.

When you are hosting the site yourself (or by a hosting provider like Kinsta or Siteground), the easiest way is to enable a Maintenance Mode Plugin. Technically this won’t unpublish your site, but it will make it inaccessible for search engines or non logged-in users.

Log in and go to your Admin Dashboard, head over to Plugins -> Add New and Search for ‘maintenance mode’. Install the Plugin by SeedPro, this is the most popular one with over 1 Million Active Installations.

WordPress enable Maintenance Mode self hosted enviroment

Now from within the SeedPro Menu on the left-hand side of your dashboard menu, click on Create Your Fist Page -> Set up a Maintenance Mode Page

Use the Chrome integrated Color Picker without Extensions
WordPress enable Maintenance Mode self hosted enviroment - Step 2

Choose a template you like and click on the button on the image.

WordPress enable Maintenance Mode self hosted enviroment - Step 3

The editor will open up. Head over to Page Settings and enable then No Index inside the SEO tab if you like. This will instruct search engines to not index your maintenance mode page, so it won’t appear in Google search results or elsewhere.

WordPress enable Maintenance Mode self hosted enviroment - Step 4

You need to change the Page Status to Publish and enable Isolation Mode in the General Page Settings. Don’t forget to save afterwards.

WordPress enable Maintenance Mode self hosted enviroment - Step 5

You’re done! Now the visitors of your website will only see the Maintenance Mode Page and your whole WordPress website is hidden.

WordPress enable Maintenance Mode self hosted enviroment - Step 6 - enabled

Unpublish a WordPress website hosted on

If you’re hosted on, you could of course just follow the tutorial for the self hosted website above 👆. But there is an easier option, you could just enable the coming soon mode in your general settings.

Umpublish a site hosted on

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